Friday 31 May 2024

Messy House Catch up 5


Back after a great 4 weeks away and back in my sewing room, I first finished off some yellow scrap pieces from April.

My first time making this pineapple block. I had a number of yellow squares and thought they were perfect for a yellow pineapple. I had 4 left over half sq. triangles with striped fabric so decided to use them in corners. Big mistake.

The stripes on the diagonal really did my head in and jack and I unpicked the four striped triangles and replaced them.

I still have to finish the yellow heart.

The last few days of this month, May, I pulled out my pink scraps. I didn't make a lot, but made a couple of coasters, 

and worked on a pink Modern Triangle block.

Having enough blocks now to make the quilt I placed them on the design wall.

I wasn't happy with the colour placement, and that was when I noticed the orange was the wrong direction - actually, the orange is correct, all the others are incorrect 😊. So now I'm going to make a green one to replace the orange, and maybe put the orange in the centre. Watch this space! I have a few pink heart blocks to finish.

That's it for this week. The new colour for June is blue, and fortunately I already have my blue fabrics out to make Moda Block Heads 5 group 2.

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

A Pageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Put Your Foot Down - A Quiltery


  1. What a great bunch of yellow AND pink blocks!!!

  2. Your modern triangles are WOW! I didn't notice the errant ways of the block until you pointed it out. What a great RSC block!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I didn't either until my husband pointed it out.

  3. Great job at catching up! So many pretty yellow and pink scraps to make your blocks. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. I like your pineapple blocks. Are those paper pieced?

    1. Thank you, yes they were paper pieced. I do it a little differently. Maybe I should do a blog post about it.

  5. Love your attitude, energy and problems solving.

  6. Good going, you have really been sewing up a storm pineapples and all.

    1. Good to get away but good to get home again too.

  7. What fun projects you are working on, I love the string pineapples.

  8. Goodness you got right back in to it!! LOVE that pineapple - the stripes look great - but I bet it was a challenge!!
