Sunday 14 July 2024

Messy House 11

We are on another road trip to do the Min Min Experience (strange lights seen in the night that Aboriginal people believe are the spirits of elders), so sewing the next few weeks will be hand sewing.

This time travelling I decided to bring my #focuscuttingsewalong quilt that I am adding blocks to.

I decided to make all my blocks the same size hexie so I could stitch them together in a big quit - I just keep going around each hexie side.

Just enjoying exploring Australia, and sewing along the way.

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Put Your Foot Down - A Quiltery

A Pageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty

Saturday 6 July 2024

Messy House Update - No 10

After last weeks lack of sewing I made sure I did some this week. I finished some of the blue scraps for June's Rainbow Scrap Challenge and even made another pineapple paper pieced block.

I also finished some hearts from previous months.

I also did some hand stitching, playing catch-up again or the Focus Cutting Sewalong.

Block 21 - Letter K, motif - kittens knitting.  

Block 23 - Letter L motif - lighthouse.

Block 25 - Letter M motif - mug.

Block 26 - Letter M sections - maracas.

That is it for this week. We are off in the caravan for the next few weeks, so hand stitching it will be.

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Put Your Foot Down - A Quiltery

A Pageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty

Friday 28 June 2024

Messy House Update No 9

Where has the week gone? 

Last Saturday we were gifted some black shelving, so I had to remove all my books and quilt tops to put in the new shelves.

Sunday, some of Monday and most of Tuesday was sorting and putting some of the books back.

Isn't that wall under the air conditioner ideal for a quilt wall hanging? 

Wednesday is bill day, and its tax time so..........

Thursday the granddaughter visited so we played some games, read three books and watched some TV before more sorting and placing books and the quilt tops.

Friday was taken up with house, travel planning  and tax.

So no sewing this week, but my new shelves look great in our TV / my sewing room.

No Link up this week - no sewing! - but check these sites anyway for others sewing achievements, and isn't my flowering orchid beautiful?

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Put Your Foot Down - A Quiltery

A Pageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty