Friday, 7 March 2025

Echo Modern Triangle Quilt Parts 2 & 3

What a strange week. With a cyclone (hurricane) forming along the coast, we were cyclone proofing our house. We have experienced two other cyclones when we were living in far north Queensland, so know what to do and what to expect. However, this is the first time since 1974 that a cyclone has made land so far south. This is cyclone season in Queensland and many cyclones formed up north this year. So an interesting week.

I was able to complete parts two and three of the Modern Triangle Quilt - Echo. The sample block I made was an 'oops!' - see above - but it did look good. This is what it was suppose to look like.

While making part three, I decided to change the quilt pattern a little. I love the block and the colours, but I am going to place them slightly differently in the quilt.

Now waiting for part three in April, and cyclone Alfred.

Link Up Parties: 

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

So Scappy


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Where to Start

Have you ever been away for a few weeks and return to your sewing room and NOT know what you are working on? That happened to me. I walked into my room ready to start a new project, and looked around and thought what was I working on?!? I knew I had Bonnie's Old Town mystery to finish, and the next row for Sugaridoo's Between the lines, and now my new project, but what was the orange and purple on the design board? Took me a while, in fact I had to look at my computer to see what I was working on. Merry Mayhem's mystery. Don't think I ill finish that one. I will keep all the pieces and use then elsewhere. So I made a list - I really need my small white board repaired to hang up.
This new project is a block of the month quilt by Bryan House Quilts. I have made a quilt using a Modern Triangle pattern before (see below) - you can read about it here.

I really like the way this new BOM is set out and I am enjoying the process - so far. I can't promise that I will do this for every Modern Triangle quilt but it is working so far. 

Choosing colours is always hard for me , and even following instructional videos, it is still my least favourite part of the process.

I often use paint chips, but this is the first time I have matched the chips with corresponding pencils and I liked that.

So colours are chosen,

and part one complete.

Part 2 this weekend, and scrappy colour of the month for March is YELLOW.

Link Up Parties: 

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

So Scappy


Saturday, 22 February 2025

First Finish for 2025

Way back in September 2023, a block a week started - Moda Blockheads 5. I have participated in every one of the Blocksheads since it started way back in 2017. Last month I finished the second lap quilt from BH5 and gifted it early this month.
I didn't use all the blocks I made in this colour-way, and it took me ages to work out a good layout.
My first finish for 2025.
Can't wait for Blockheads 6 - maybe year.

Link Up Parties: 

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

So Scappy