Saturday 15 June 2024

Messy House Update No 7.

When the block for Moda Blockheads 5 came out this week, I knew I had to make it. I'm so far behind with Blockheads (just finished block 2) but this block, 23, was just so beautiful. I don't know that I will include it in the quilt that I'm making, but I do know I will be making it again in different colours. 

I also took the time to sort my blue scraps into sizes, strips and scraps.

With some of the blue scraps I made some coasters. I also used left over batting and did the quilt as you go method.

Have you ever had a race with the bobbin? As I am usually piecing it is not a problem to run out of bobbin and re-sew the piece, in fact if it is late in the day I would call it a day. This was the last row I had to sew together, and I almost made it. I then had to take the sewing piece out and, as is my routine, clean the bobbin area before putting in a new bobbin and lining up the sewing as best I could. Lucky it was a joining row and not the quilting.

This is the resulting top. 

Meanwhile I purchased some new orchids, couldn't pass up the beautiful colours.

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

A Pageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilt

Off the Wall Fridays - Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Put Your Foot Down - A Quiltery


  1. Hooray for being able to finish the seam. A good rule to clean at every bobbin change! The Blockheads 23 is a stunner! As are the orchids! I'm not good with orchids! (sad face)

    1. Thank you. It has taken me a while to get my orchids to where they are. Learning every day,just keep going. They are the most beautiful plant.

  2. None of us like losing the bobbin race! That's a pretty star quilt top you have made.

    1. Thanks Jenny. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.

  3. Love the twirl blocks top you made! So pretty. Sorry about running out of bobbin thread. So not fun when you are so close to a finish! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
