Friday, 12 January 2024

Happy New Year 2024

Last year was a year of many ups and a few downs. We travelled a lot in the caravan and also did a few cruises. A lot of hand sewing took place, but not as much as I would have liked. Will this year be different?🤞I hope so (SEW).

I am still catching up with Bonnie's 2023 Quiltville Mystery - more about that next post, and my date with Jack.

Moda Blockheads part 2 has started and I'm already two weeks behind again. I'm really at a loss about what colour to make part two. Part 1 I made two of, one was a Christmas theme which I have almost finished, and the other was purple blocks for a friend's birthday. Sadly, she passed away after a very short illness, so I think I will donate the quilt to either a hospital, nursing home, or make a couple of smaller baby quilts. She would have liked that.

2024 Focuscutting Sew Along is all about the equilateral triangle. However I still have a few to finish off from last year.

I'm hoping to go back to doing a blog once a week this year, and although some weeks may be very short blogs, I'm hoping it will also encourage me to sew more.

Link Up Parties: 

Wednesday-Wait-Loss – The Inquiring Quilter

APageant of Finishes – From Bolt to Beauty

Finished(or Not) Friday – Alycia Quilts

Whoopwhoop Friday - Confessions of a Fabric Addict

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun year tho? Hope this one is full of quilting and stitching and good times!
