Saturday 28 May 2022

This week .....

I am amazed when swiping through social media like Instagram, at all the many beautiful creations I see and often wonder how some people find the time to be so prolific.

This week was a busy week - for things other than sewing! Sunny days, after all the unseasonable rain meant loads of washing. I had a nanna day, which I always look forward to and this week Top Gun - Maverick opened so of course we had to go and see that. I also repotted some of my orchids and bought some more house plants to brighten the winter months. I did manage to sew a few little bits and pieces, some more Modablockheads4 which I'll post more of next week, and I pimped up a t-shirt (I'm not really a t-shirt person) for one of my favourite singers  - Michael Waugh.

Let's hope next week is more productive sewing wise.

Link Up Parties:


Off the Wall Friday

Finished (or Not) Friday

A Pageant of Finishes

Peacock Party 


  1. Cute T shirt! And good idea to get more house plants in before winter. We have long winters here, and the plants really brighten things up.

    1. Thank you Sylvia and you are right house plants do brighten up home, just hope I don't kill them with kindness.

  2. There always so many gorgeous creations out there in blogland and on social media, you are right. But we each do our our thing at our own pace. And as I remember, you are always busy busy on your own lovely projects, as well as travelling around in the caravan, so you certainly keep very busy.

    1. Yes Jenny I'm always busy doing something and sewing is my 'mindfulness' - makes me happy.

  3. What great blocks! and YES!! you had to go see Maverick!!! that was top on the list!!

    1. Thank you Alycia. I did enjoy Top Gun Maverick but don't need to see it over and over - unlike hubby who went to see it again yesterday LOL.

  4. Love the colors you're using in your Blockheads blocks! So pretty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Thank you Jennifer, yes the colours seem to be popular with some folks.
