Saturday 14 November 2020

Finished top - YAY

This past week I finished the top of the Sugaridoo Sew Along. I did make a few changes, most deliberate, but a couple of mistakes. This sew along started last November - who knew we would have so much time at home to make it! - and at first I was making two quilts, one for each daughter, but ended up making Bonnie Hunter's unity quilt for the girls instead. 

This is not the first modern mystery quilt I have made. Way back many years ago I made this quilt, which goes on our bed in Winter, to brighten the season.

So what did I change? I didn't like the two circular rows, so replaced them with a row of triangles, and a row of squares. I also changed the order of a couple of rows. My mistake? Well one I have noticed 😀 is I made a row and forgot to put the accent piece in ..... and I'm not unpicking to replace it!

I finished the last block in the Partners in Design By The Sea Quilt Along. Now I have to decide how to make the top. I'm really liking the quilt top Laura from Slice of Pi Quilts made, and will maybe, probably.... do something similar. This was my first Partners in Design Quilt and I really enjoyed making it - even the applique.

A few months ago I won the lucky draw for the first four blocks of the By The Sea QAL. One of the prizes was a subscription to Make Modern Quilting Magazine. In the current edition there is a fabric post card article by Kristy Lea, that was really interesting. As I am interested in making more fabric postcards - only made one 😉 - I checked out the blog post mentioned in the article at Saroy. It is a step by step process of how Sarah makes her fabric postcards - well worth a read. Here is my first fabric postcard, and later today I will design my second - of Emily Bay, Norfolk Island.

I was happy to see the Midnight Quilter back on Youtube, not as part of Craftsy, but under Angela's Quilting is my Therapy. Midnight Stars quilt look wonderful and I'm thinking I should 'quickly' make it up before starting to quilt my red, white and blue 'ROOSTERS' quilt........ mmmm. Watch this space!

Link up Parties:

Whoop whoop Friday


Off the Wall Friday

Finished(or Not) Friday

APageant of Finishes

Peacock Party 


  1. Wonderful job on making the modern Sugaridoo Sew Along quilt your own. I love the geometric block designs. Looks great without the circles.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, I thought so too. Now to think of the quilting.

  2. Nice eye candy! Love the two modern quilts you showed. Heck I like them all!

    1. Thank you Bonnie. Not the sort of quilts I usually make but I like them both.

  3. I love the quote in your banner!

    Your Sugaridoo is wonderful. The thumbnail for it brought me in from a linky party. Your choice of colors on a black canvas is perfect and soothing to the soul.

  4. Thank you. When I started this blog many years ago, I tossed up between :A Messy House is a Sign of a Happy Quilter; and You Can't Quilt All Day if You Don't Start in the Morning.

  5. This post is full of so much goodness but Sugaridoo - it is awesome!!!!! what a cool quilt!

  6. Loving these modern quilt along quilts! Thanks so much for sharing them on Wednesday Wait Loss. Can't wait to see what you do with the QAL by the Sea blocks. I agree--Laura's version is wonderful!

  7. Thank you Jennifer, still procrastinating about how to layout QAL By The Sea. Just so many wonderful layouts.
