Sunday, 7 May 2017

These past few weeks at my machine....

What a busy, busy few weeks this has been. Sadly sewing took the backseat. This is the longest we have been at home in the last three years.
With still culling school stuff, and trying to down size what we have - not fabric, of course - and Peter renovating an investment house to sell - now that we are both retired - it has been a very hectic month.
However, I did manage to piece the back of En Provence, including a large hand drawn label, and sandwich and quilt it. The quilting caused a problem. I had to change the needle, the needle plate, the thread, the bobbin, and still it did not quilt as it should have. In saying that, I persevered and finished the quilting. Now all that is left is the the hand finishing of the binding. I'm not sure if I will sell this one or keep it - it is my colours 😊💜.
I also caught up with Simply Colorful 'Row by Row' and I am now waiting for next Friday and the last clue. This will be a cot quilt, maybe 😊.
I am thinking about re-making the dark 'racing car' block and reversing the light and the dark.
I just don't think it fits with the other blocks.
What do you think?
I thought I would tell you what I do with binding. I cut either 2.5 or 2 inches of fabric, sometimes on the bias, and sometimes not. I then sew the strips together and fold and iron. I then carefully roll the strip onto an empty cotton reel. If I have a lot of binding I will put the wound up reel into a tea/coffee cup. For En Provence I didn't need a tea cup, I simply put the reel under my extension tray and it feed it through to the quilt.  
I have always believed in an anchor cloth when sewing projects, and have been making random leaders and enders, mostly from off cuts from projects.
I hate to waste fabric.
Here are some off cuts from 'Row by Row' mystery when squaring the blocks - not going to waste these. Not sure what I will do with them either!
These are some left over triangles from a Halloween project - must finish that quilt too 😖 - they will make a lovely border or mug mat.... or maybe they will be perfect for my jacket!!
 Off on a road trip later this week, so hand sewing will be in order.

1 comment:

  1. Your En Provence is looking great - but sorry to read you had so much trouble at the end. How frustrating. Thanks for the binding tip. I usually just have my binding "hanging about" as I attach it, but will try the cotton reel/cup method next time.
    We have just had two weeks away in the caravan, home this week, then away again next weekend. Enjoy your upcoming trip, and I'll look forward to reading all about it soon.
