Saturday 29 August 2020

What I Finished.... And What I'm Working On.

QAL By the Sea block four is Sun Block by designer Sherry Shish of Powered by Quilting. This block is a foundation paper piecing block, but as it it a large block and the pieces are big, I decided to do it the traditional piecing method. I don't mind paper piecing and have made some lovely projects using it - Mosaic Table Topper and My House is my Castle and even this little Ugly Sweater Coaster.

I went through my template box and found all but one of the templates needed, so made that one. I made my templates out of old cards.

I didn't have a lot of yellows as it is not a colour I use a lot. I was lucky my Auntie was clearing our her stash and I ended up with a few yellows. I chose these colours.

 Cut the templates.

..and here are my first four blocks.

This week I finished the Christmas masks....

and while I had the Christmas fabric box out I thought I would make a Christmas Stocking for new granddaughter and send the face masks and stocking at the same time. This is the first part done.

I don't like waste, and keep all sorts of scraps, even small 'crumbs'. I used the scraps to make the stockings and also to make 6.5" squares that will eventually be sewn together to make a picnic quilt. It's too hot in Australia for lap or bed quilt at Christmas, but a picnic quilt to sit on at the beach or park would be perfect.

This week I also finished some bunting.

Link Up Parties:

Whoop Whoop Friday @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Wednesday-Wait-Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter

Offthe Wall Friday @ Creations … Quilts, Art … Whatever

Finished (or Not) Friday @Alycia Quilts


  1. Hi Allison, I really like the sun block and the yellows you got are perfect. Funny how we don't have much of some colours and tons of others! Those scrap blocks are going to make a great picnic blanket. Boy I wish that we could go picnicking at Christmas but it's just not the same on the snow :-) Take care.

    1. I have fond memories of visiting UK and Europe at Christmas and wanted snow. Loved the warm fires and beautiful white scenery. So different from here.

  2. Love this post with all the yummy fabrics, projects, etc. You are very busy and so productive. I can only wish to get so much done! Happy Saturday.

    1. Thanks Jocelyn. As my blog title says - Messy House, Sign of happy quilter. LOL

  3. Kangaroos, koalas, cockatoos in your masks, easy to see where you live! I'm currently trying out a new mask pattern using some Kiwi Silver Fern fabric for Robin.

    1. Daughter in England requested them Jenny. I've made two types, the 'fitted' one looks better and has the three layers, but the pleated one fits better and has a slit to put in the third filter.

  4. You did an awesome job on the QAL blocks! Thanks for sharing them on Wednesday Wait Loss.
